Karabiner elements russian paragraph
Karabiner elements russian paragraph

As previous nom it really is a quality article.Renomination - this is a really complete and well written article, and it'd be nice to have something from older games.

karabiner elements russian paragraph karabiner elements russian paragraph

Unsigned comment was added by RisingSun2013 March 2014 Kar98k Well-written with good pictures for almost every game it appears in, even Call of Duty: Finest Hour. Lengthy page with detailed information for every game it appears in, good quality images and such like. When is it going to be put as the featured article? - Ultimate94ninja ( talk) 20:16, Febru(UTC) Kar98k This is a yes vote - EvErLoyaLEagLE ( talk) 16:36, Febru(UTC) Who did the #4 vote? You forgot your signature.I also vote for Simon "Ghost" Riley -Unsigned comment was added by be quite good! LtGen Spartan Never trust a 2nd Lieutenant who says "In my Experiences" 04:32, Janu(UTC) Dito - Section ( talk) 06:16, Janu(UTC).Ultimate94ninja ( talk) 19:15, Janu(UTC) Appears to be one of the best character pages it has lots of information, and enough images and trivia. I'm really surprised it hasn't been featured already. I thought might nominate this for obvious reasons. Ultimate94ninja ( talk) 20:48, Janu(UTC) Winter Crash Yay! Deagle FTW! (also a good article by the way :P) MakeoutOne ( talk).PS: The Desert Eagle in MW3 was actually good AntiScootaTwo talk 17:10, Decem(UTC) Good article, has complete galleries, and good length.Oppose - it sucks in mw3 Not a bad article at all.Deagle yay - Bats a.k.a Rarity Filly 22:07, Decem(UTC).Deagle ftw - Slav Talk 21:55, Decem(UTC).As nominator - Ultimate94ninja ( talk) 21:25, Decem(UTC).Members of the Livermore team include: Moody, Dawn Shaughnessy, Mark Stoyer, Nancy Stoyer, Philip Wilk, Jacqueline Kenneally, Jerry Landrum, John Wild, Ron Lougheed and former LLNL employee Joshua Patin.Very well written article, weapon featured in all the main Modern Warfare series, has a good amount of pictures, and lots of info and trivia. It can tell us why the world is here and what it is made of.” “Anything more you can learn about the periodic table is exciting. “The world is made up of about 90 elements,” Moody said. This would allow certain isotopes of some transuranic elements (elements with atomic numbers greater than 92) to be far more stable than others, and thus decay much more slowly.Įlement 118 is expected to be a noble gas that lies right below radon on the periodic table of elements. The “Island of Stability” is a term from nuclear physics that describes the possibility of elements which have particularly stable “magic numbers” of protons and neutrons. “The decay properties of all the isotopes that we have made so far paint the picture of a large, sort of flat ‘Island of Stability’ and indicate that we may have luck if we try to go even heavier,” said Ken Moody, Livermore’s team leader. This discovery brings the total to five new elements for the Livermore-Dubna collaboration (113, 114, 115, 116 and 118). The Livermore-Dubna team had created the same isotope of element 116 in earlier experiments. The team then observed the alpha decay from element 118 to element 116 and then to element 114. The experiment produced three atoms of element 118 when calcium ions bombarded a californium target. The results are published in the October 2006 edition of the journal Physical Review C. In these decay chains, previously observed element 116 is produced via the alpha decay of element 118. In experiments conducted at the JINR U400 cyclotron between February and June 2005, the researchers observed atomic decay patterns, or chains, that establish the existence of element 118. Scientists from the Physical and Life Sciences Directorate at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in collaboration with researchers from Dubna, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Russia, have discovered the newest superheavy element, element 118.

Karabiner elements russian paragraph