They were popular for coastal trading in the early 1800s. Square Topsail Schooner a combination of fore and aft sails and small square sails. Her topmast and all light upper canvas have been struck, and sent ashore. Two Masted Fishing Schooner in winter rig. Similar to the famous Bluenose, our example, in addition to all the normal lower sails, carries a main gaff topsail and a fisherman's staysail set between the masts. Schooners have two or more masts with fore and aft sails. In the 20th century, sloops became the most popular rig for yachts. In the early 1800s some large sloops traded with the West Indies, but most sloops in the 19th century were small inshore fishing vessels. SloopĪ fore and aft rigged vessel with one mast is a sloop. The rig was not limited to coastal schooners, and big fore-and-afters could be seen plying across the Western Ocean bound for European ports, the West Indies, or South America. Ships with this rig could point higher into the wind and were usually more maneuverable when working in the changing winds along the coast. The fore and aft rig, or schooner rig, required only a small crew, and was generally used in the coastal and fishing trades. Sailing ship rigs can be divided into two broad categories: the "fore and aft rig" (left), in which the sails lie along the same plane as the ship's fore and aft line and the "square rig" (right), in which the sails are rigged athwart (across) the ship.

The silhouettes of vessels overleaf represent different rigs of ships on the east coast of North America during the mid 1800s to the early 1900s, a period in marine history often referred to as the "golden age of sail". These changes were introduced to improve sailing qualities and to provide a rig that could be handled by a smaller crew, th us paying higher returns to shareholders. Beside differences in original design, a ship might undergo a number of changes, depending upon the whims of her owner, captain, or builder, the trade she was used in, or local traditions. The sail plans of sailing vessels were many and varied.